The Family Support Division (FSD) may ask you to verify your information in order to help you get the benefits you need. Depending on what benefit you are applying for/maintaining, you may need different types of verifying documents.
- Work for school schedule
- Pay stubs
- Letter from employer
- Letter from enrolled school
- Letter from training program
- Letter from homeless shelter for homeless shelter for homeless need
- Letter from medical professional stating why the disabled child/parent needs child care
- U.S. Birth Certificate
- U.S. Passport
- Certificate of Naturalization (N-550 or N-570)
- Certificate of Citizenship (N-560 or N-561)
- Valid state issued driver's license
- Receipt of Medicare
- Receipt of Supplemental Social Security Income (SSI)
- Receipt of Social Security Disability (SSDI)
- SSA Disability or SSI
- Doctor's statement of disability
- Veteran's Administration Disability letter
- Drug conviction exemption verification form
- Negative urine analysis result from a provider (since the date of the conviction)
- Work for school schedule
- Pay stubs
- Letter from employer
- Letter from enrolled school
- Letter from training program
- Letter from homeless shelter for homeless shelter for homeless need
- Letter from medical professional stating why the disabled child/parent needs child care
- Driver's License
- Pay Stub
- ID card from state or federal government, military, school, or work
- Voter registration card
- Bank Statements
- Screenshot of account balance
- Copy of card with ATM receipt
- Hospital/Doctor bills
- Insurance premium notice
- Medication receipts
- Transportation/Mileage logs
- Printout/Screenshot of the website showing registration
- Completed-and signed- copy of the Temporary Assistance Orientation form (IM3-Orientation)
- Deed
- Current valuation of the property
- Assessor's value/property tax statement
- Mortgage statement
- Birth certificate
- Power of Attorney, Guardianship, Covnservatorship
- Marriage certificate
- Divorce Decree
- Rent receipts
- Copy of lease
- Piece of mail
- Utility bills
- Mortgage statement
- Federal tax return with Schedule C
- Business records showing money received and expenses paid
How do I submit my verification document?
You can submit your verification in one of the following ways: