Driveway Permit Application - Brazoria County

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APPLICATION FOR DRIVEWAY CONNECTION AND/OR CULVERT INSTALLATIONUTILITY PERMITDESIGNATING PLACEMENT OF UTILITY IN COUNTY RIGHT OF WAYTO:THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF BRAZORIA COUNTY, TEXASComes now _______________________________________________ [company name], hereinafter referred to as“Company” a _________________ [state] Corporation, with authority to transact business in Texas, acting by andthrough its duly authorized representative, and hereby petitions the County Engineer for the right to lay, construct,maintain, repair and/or operate equipment under, over, across and/or along certain County Roads as shown ondrawings and diagrams attached hereto and said location described as follows:Driveway Connection Within County Road Right-Of-WayRoad Name and Block NumberSurface Course Specifications(i.e. Type, Thickness, Strength)Base Specifications(i.e. Type, Thickness, Density)Subgrade Specifications(i.e. Type, Thickness, Density)Culvert Installation Within County Road Right-Of-WayRoad Name and BlockNumberCulvert Material Culvert Diameter Culvert Length Depth of CoverThe location and description of the proposed installation and appurtenances must be fully shown on the attacheddetailed drawings.The Company shall commence actual construction/work in good faith within 60 days from the date of said permit andshall complete said construction /work within ______ working days. (COMPANY MUST FILL IN). If suchconstruction is not begun by the 60 th day, Company will be required to apply for a new permit.Company declares that prior to filing this application, it has ascertained the location of all existing utilities, both aerialand underground, and the filing of this application is prima facie evidence that the proposed installation will notconflict with any existing utility.A copy of this permit shall be kept at the job site any time work is being performed.It is expressly stipulated that this Permit is a license for permissive use only and that the placing of facilities uponpublic property pursuant to this permit shall not operate to create or vest any property right in said holder.It is understood and agreed that the rights and privileges herein set out are granted only to the extent of the County’sright, title and interest in the land to be entered upon and used by the holder and the holder will at all times assume riskof and indemnify, defend and save harmless Brazoria County from and against any and all loss, damages, cost orexpense arising in any manner on account of the exercise or attempted exercise by said holder of the aforesaid rightsand privileges.Any deviation from these specifications must be approved by Brazoria County Engineer’s Office or its designatedrepresentative.Approval of County Engineer’s Office may take as long as two weeks after complete application is received.